see is destruction. if you look further back here up the hill, more destruction. it s a completely devastated community. nobody is coming back here any time soon. the governor was here a little while ago making a plea for unity for those to help neighbors. there are 200 or so people homeless here. it s cold, unclear where they are going to go. the shelters were full here last night. the high school and the elementary school and that s one really bit of good news that we ve been hearing a lot. people heeded the warnings and when the sirens went off, people ran for cover, which helped save a lot of lives, although just devastation is overwhelming in every direction. thank you so much. joining me by phone, sara sparkman with the office of emergency management, that includes washington, illinois as well as peoria. i know there s a lot going on. let me ask about people who are homeless, the shelters are full. what s being done to help the people who don t have a place to
far for you to make out or is it just a pitch black cloud hang over the city right now? reporter: it is that. i don t think we are in a position to see the funnel but i do think it is 30 miles away or so. so it is very difficult to make out. especially with the since it s been rain-wrapped most of the time so it is wrapped in rain and hail. we are getting the rin and lightening is picking up as well. once again, oklahoma city more or less evacuated. sirens going off. sounds like enough time hopefully that folks have been able to get into safe places, into underground shelters. out of the way. presumably, you mention the convention center. there are places who don t have a place to go can go under these circumstances, is that true? especially downtown. several spots are safe spots where people can gather that can hold a large number of people.
prisoners are solidly built, the bad news is the folks inside them, the inmate, don t have indates, don t have a place to go if that building starts getting torn apart and again, we re not saying that happened, we just know from a prison spokesman that the prison was hit by a tornado. again, no reports yet of damage or injuries at the limestone state prison, limestone correctional facility in northern alabama. that system is still on the move, folks in that particularly dangerous area should keep an eye on the sky and an ear on the weather radio. all right, let s get back to politics for a bit. questioning the conventional wisdom about the race for the white house, many pundits, even some prominent conservatives, are saying the presidential election is for all purposes done. they believe that an improving economy and bitter republican infighting is ensuring another four years
in the same situation. i m wondering, what ryan, is your first step on the road to recovery? when are you going to be living the next few weeks? caller: i m lucky. i have family 25 minutes away in kansas. i can shack up with my parents for a while. i m fortunate. i don t know how to put myself in the shoes of the people that don t have a place to go. i don t know what they re supposed to do now. you know, i m lucky. i don t have to have to start looking for a place to live here shortly. there s going to be hundreds of people trying to find a place to live here shortly. i just don t know how you go about trying to get everything back in order. we will certainly follow the story. thank you for joining us. a sports reporter smack-dab in the middle of a big, big news story. ryan, thanks, and we wish you luck. keen it right here. we re going to find out what s going on in joplin with the news conference that brian mentioned.