credit for are the piggish overlords still like busting their tail and they want to get ahead. they have to deem how many people in the working class are helpless people who deserve help and how many are clueless people that don t deserve the time of day. i think that s the time we re reaching in american history. americans, good-hearted people want to take care of the helpless. don t give a rat s ass about the clueless anymore. times are too tough. that s the point we are at. okay. president obama, according to dick morris, wants to continue expanding the federal government. even though he says he wants to cut back. and pretty much regulate the fairness doctrine, you know. okay. here is what is fair. we will decide it. and you, miller and o reilly, made me a lot of money. come in and take more of that shared sacrifice da da da da da da da da. are you buying that? do you think there is noble intent in the class warfare game? no. i think it s horrible.
you know what, increasingly, if we are not going to fight these wars to win, billy, his idea of not only building the wall southern building one around the whole country and making us a big cookie cutter is starting to sound good to me at some point. cookie. the ron paul wants to stay home. if we re not going to go croak these bad guys summarily in niece wars, yeah, let s bring it home and everybody stay here. i don t think ron paul has a chance in 2012. it s some of his tastes are a little too weird: you know, a worse reflection on him than he does. he makes sense to me sometimes. some of his acolytes bring that baggage with him. bill: miller, everybody out there in santa barbara talking about this debt crisis, aren t they? let me ask you this, bill, i always pretend when they talk these figures with rove and it s going round and round, 14 trillion, do we actually owe somebody that money? bill: yeah. if we do, guess what, don t
pay them. i m better with numbers to 9/10ths of your account. bill: don t pay them. i said to my kid. i said. no, let me answer the question. so, miller says don t pay them. i m excited. stiff them. then nobody will lend us money. the state of california run on borrowed money he? don t have nip money for anything. be hitchhiking, couldn t put gas in the limo unless they borrowed money from china. you stiff the people lending you the money, nobody is going to lend it and everything grounds to a halt. get it? billy, numbers, snubers, listen. [ laughter ] you can t drum the united states out of equation. they will have to lend to us until the end of time. you know why? bill: they are not going to do it? billy.
that s life. they have to buck up to that bar. that s the way life works. listen, i would give 46% of my money right now between fed and state. if he wants to jack it up 5%, that takes it over 51. in other words, i m giving more money away to people than i m keeping for myself. if, in fair mindedness and went to them after that happened and said listen, this is a little silly, could you give me the 1% back to get to to 50/50. i guarantee you they wouldn t be as level headed on it i m going to do it because i don t cheat on my taxes and i wouldn t live for somebody else. bill: that darwin/christ thing that was very good, miller. even i m very impressed with that thank you. thank you, billy. bill: muslim vales, illegal in france. yeah. well, listen, i think they ought to give the french government some credit because truth be told, french men would rather see every woman in the culture walking around in lingerie. so just asking them to peel back
you know what, increasingly, if we are not going to fight these wars to win, billy, his idea of not only building the wall southern building one around the whole country and making us a big cookie cutter is starting to sound good to me at some point. cookie. the ron paul wants to stay home. if we re not going to go croak these bad guys summarily in niece wars, yeah, let s bring it home and everybody stay here. i don t think ron paul has a chance in 2012. it s some of his tastes are a little too weird: you know, a worse reflection on him than he does. he makes sense to me sometimes. some of his acolytes bring that baggage with him. bill: miller, everybody out there in santa barbara talking about this debt crisis, aren t they? let me ask you this, bill, i always pretend when they talk these figures with rove and it s going round and round, 14 trillion, do we actually owe somebody that money? bill: yeah. if we do, guess what, don t