off wikipedia. that also shows you that standards don t seem to be that high in the rand paul universe. this is not an exact case of plagiarism, but there s a certain imitation here. senator paul came up with what seemed like a creative way to come back at critics. let s watch and listen to his words and proposal. if duelling were legal in kends, if they keep it up it would be a duel challenge. not even that was original. the duel challenge sounds familiar certainly to me. let s think back. i wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel. josh marshall, i saved that sugar plum for you. it seems to me even when he gets in and wants to show his i m ticked off here, he s going back what he hear before from zell miller coming back at me at the
but at least my kids know you make a change of a word or two here or there so your teachers don t have a case against you. whoever he s hiring to do speeches that s why you have a thesaurus. a thesaurus sitting next to your desk. chris, you re old school. you have it on your computer now. i am old school. he s hiring sloppy people. people are not writing good speeches. they re just lifting passages off wikipedia. that also shows you that standards don t seem to be that high in the rand paul universe. this is not an exact case of plagiarism, but there s a certain imitation here. senator paul came up with what seemed like a creative way to come back at critics. let s watch and listen to his words and proposal. if duelling were legal in kentucky, if they keep it up it would be a duel challenge. not even that was original. the duel challenge sounds familiar certainly to me. let s think back.
kentucky. place where is there are significant republican primaries. what is the kig kasignificana chris christie win. if you re going to force me, the only thing it helps is it might come down to new york donors who are worried that the republican party is moving too far to the right. and that s why you see mitch mcconnell and others trying to battle why is christie doing so well in the south carolina polling right now? i m sorry? why is christie doing so well in the south carolina primary polling right now. because we re a year and a half out from election. i m sure i guarantee today he would not win the south carolina primary. why is he winning now? because no one is paying attention. let s go to michelle goldberg. this is unfortunate that you come on the show to do this. i want thinking people on the show who give honest answers. by the way, target the question with the answer. don t ignore the question. let s go to michelle here. michelle, i want to talk to you
for president? well, ronald reagan. yeah. that hasn t been so successful. you said it can t break the strike. i think romney was the most moderate of all republicans last time. he wasn t the most radical. and george w. was not a right winger or dole or mccain. i don t think there s been a run of right wingers winning the nomination. no, but winning senate races. i think you ll continue to see that. what happens is usually the money and the establishment triumphs in the campaigns. quickly, what s the biggest headline virginia or new jersey tomorrow? what s the biggest headline nationwide? i think virginia just because new jersey was predictable. the republicans losing a state like virginia is much more of a man bites dog kind of story. thank you guy cecil and michelle goldberg. don t forget election day is tomorrow. polls close very early 7:00 eastern time. get there early.
mitt romney was asked on meet the press about what you reported. here he is responding to your great reportage. i know the vetting people who went through that analysis and put together their report laid everything out, but frankly there wasn t anything they put out that wasn t already part of the public record and hasn t been dealt with by chris christie. there was nothing new there. chris could easily become our nominee and save our party and help get this nation on the right track again. they don t come better than chris christie. don t you love leave time. howard knows how this works. by the time you got all that stuff you got about his vetting failures in the book, this guy has seen christie rise in the polls. he seems to be pushing him for president where his staff was dumping on him. how do you explain the dichotomy except for the passage of months between the interviews. i think mitt romney and chris