first of all, for those people that don t have access to air conditioning and that will be a number of folks, it s important to this one man on the street said he was going to a local mcdonald s. it s not a bad idea. go to a local library, a restaurant, a building with air conditioning. if you re not sure, call your local health department to find out places where you can go that does have air conditioning. a really important thing to do. the other thing to bring up, a lot of people are higher risk than others. babies, young children, people with medical conditions. those folks are at higher risk. we shouldn t play with this. for kids, another they can be very energetic. what do you advise for them. no, of course we love our kids. you re right. they re very energetic all the time. don t lump kids with pets. neil: i do lump them in with pets. go ahead.
temperaturen yo ein your body. 104, fahrenheit. your body loses ability to sweat. your primary mechanism to cool yourself off. when the moisture content in the air as high as moisture on top of your skin. body can t evaporate that any more. when you begin to see your core temperature go up. and problems come after that. there are things people can do, suggestions you can make to those people who don t have access to air conditioning orphans to coor. fans to cool your body down? drink water. set up a flow through your hope. opening the front door. sitting on the back side of your house next to a window. have airflow, circulation that. would help cool off. being out of the sun is common sense. and avoiding any sort of alcohol, extreme, exercise outside in such conditions. is also, worthy. but trying to ready main some where where you have, biggest power cuts, as you touched on. prevalent here. yeah. pedram, appreciate the
and they re less prone to take in fluids when they really need them, only when after that point is reached. so watch out for the younger folks too. a lot of cities, including indianapolis, have put together meet plans to keep kids and the elderly, folks that don t have access to air-conditioning, to get them near some sort of city park or pool, to get them toward some sort of building that might have air-conditioning at least during the height of the heat which is, essentially, from about noon until late afternoon. so a lot of cities are doing that in. here in the city of chicago, six cooling centers and they ve been open for a couple of days they hadn t been highly visited, but we expect that will change as the temperatures soar towards 100, expected to surpass over the course of the next couple of days. jon: i see you have heeded the warnings and ditched the necktie. can we just make that a national rule for the rest of summer? [laughter] reporter: i think there s a company, yo
dangerous. as the body temperature starts going up, that s when we start having symptoms that are really of concern. so if we start sweating excessively, if we start breathing fast or if our pulse starts going higher, if we start having nausea or vomiting or if we fate faint, those are really bad signs that something more serious is happening. reporter: now, certainly, folks who are elderly are at risk in such extreme weather conditions like we re having in most of the country right now and certainly the middle sec, but younger folks as well largely because the area, the surface area of their skin versus their body mass is so much smaller that the heat effects them much more often, and they re less prone to take in fluids when they really need them, only when after that point is reached. so watch out for the younger folks too. a lot of cities, including indianapolis, have put together meet plans to keep kids and the elderly, folks that don t have