but a break in the case came from the confession of an inmate involved in the murder. he saw an opportunity for himself, serving a life sentence. turned everybody in. because of my lack of knowledge and planning of the crime, and my age, the judge overturned my death penalty and sentenced me to life in prison without the chance of parole, which means i don t go to board, i m just here. hal was 36 when he was murdered. he was just doing his job. he was doing what it takes to protect society from that element in prison. i guess i want to know why, why hal? i followed orders, i was a foot soldier following orders. and it was either him or me and i chose him.
now, that night i m up and i m worried about what s happening. but they don t know what happened. but a break in the case came from the confession of an inmate involved in the murder. he saw an opportunity for himself, serving a life sentence. turned everybody in. because of my lack of knowledge and planning of the crime, and my age, the judge overturned my death penalty and sentenced me to life in prison without the chance of parole, which means i don t go to board, i m just here. hal was 36 when he was murdered. he was just doing his job. he was doing what it takes to protect society from that element in prison. i guess i want to know why, why hal? i followed orders, i was a
now, that night i m up and i m worried about what s happening. but they don t know what happened. but a break in the case came from the confession of an inmate involved in the murder. he saw an opportunity for himself, serving a life sentence. turned everybody in. because of my lack of knowledge and planning of the crime, and my age, the judge overturned my death penalty and sentenced me to life in prison without the chance of parole, which means i don t go to board, i m just here. hal was 36 when he was murdered. he was just doing his job. he was doing what it takes to protect society from that element in prison.
but they don t know what happened. but a break in the case came from the confession of an inmate involved in the murder. he saw an opportunity for himself, serving a life sentence. turned everybody in. because of my lack of knowledge and planning of the crime, and my age, the judge overturned my death penalty and sentenced me to life in prison without the chance of parole, which means i don t go to board, i m just here. hal was 36 when he was murdered. he was just doing his job. he was doing what it takes to protect society from that element in prison. i guess i want to know why, why hal? i followed orders, i was a foot soldier following orders.
happened. but a break in the case came from the confession of an inmate involved in the murder. he saw an opportunity for himself, serving a life sentence. turned everybody in. because of my lack of knowledge and planning of the crime, and my age, the judge overturned my death penalty and sentenced me to life in prison without the chance of parole, which means i don t go to board, i m just here. hal was 36 when he was murdered. he was just doing his job. he was doing what it takes to protect society from that element in prison. i guess i want to know why, why hal? i followed orders, i was a foot soldier following orders.