i think shh th is a great time to continue that tradition. i think that a two-fisted columnist who is, you know, it s a tired cliche, but comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. that s what i do. you write two or three times a week. i do. it seems like this day and age it s been taken over by blogging. i do a little bit of that. i do a little bit of television. i m trying to learn new tricks. what i prefer and enjoy the most is the old-fashioned column. i think now is the time for newspapers to, rather than deemphasize that, go strong with that. we have it s reporting oriented. i think that s what makes a difference. if you re doing old-fashioned city style column, you ve got to get away from your desk and get out on the streets. do you think too many reporters sit behind a decks, report by e-mail, don t go out