issues of iran. we don t know so much. when you have these deals and all of this going on, you get a little bit more of a glimpse into what s going on. the president said he is fearful they could work with north korea and other rogue nations. we have been hearing that for decades or the last 20 years i have been in the white house. at issue if the president says look, i don t like that and i have the authority and i can pull this and his own intelligence group is saying i think we need to keep this, there is a lot to be said. doubling down on your base, i understand the issues of sanctions. there are real issues of security. april is exactly right. what is unique about the deal. not just where they were spinning. every step along the way. look at the criticisms where there can t be surprise inspections and they have to
puffing but not quite blowing all these things down yet. but what cost? gail, talk a little bit about what we heard from the president today. i know you were listening very carefully too his decision to decertify the iran nuclear deal and say you know what, he will work with congress to work with a better plan and allies will have to go along with that. what was your reaction? it is fascinating. you have / have dessert if ication. so you can decertify without causing it to collapse entirely. i think that s what you really saw happen today and a lot of people were worried, i think, that it was going to go the full road. i think that shows you a lot of what this administration has
yes, this policy decision by the president moves the iran nuclear deal to congress and this is what rex tiller son said yesterday. if congress does nothing, they remain in the agreement. despite all of the president s tough talk, that is still the state of play in washington when it am cans to this nuclear deal. he made a lot of strong statements saying it was the worst deal ever negotiated and so on. he was really trapped by his own campaign rhetoric in all of this. from talking to sources over the last several months, we have been given the full picture that time and again people like the national security adviser hr mcmaster and rex tillerson and the defense secretary james mattis tried to go to the president and impress upon him that you don t like this deal, but guess what, if we pull out,
and you working with secretary kerry and worked closely in putting the deal together. the president said it may be the worst deal ever. you guys simply signed on to this horrendous deal. i often wondered theed if the president read the deal. the fact is with this incredibly difficult relationship with iran, the one thing that is working with the nuclear deal. we pulled them way back to having a nuclear weapon. it makes it easier to have something challenging and deal with the manifestations of bad behavior. it would be a heck of a lot harder to do that. what the president is doing today is totally counterproductive to trying to more effectively contaping iran. it s also a huge gift to the hard liners of iran in the struggle for supremacy. this is the i told you so moment for hard liners in iran.
recreate market with uncertainty, you are hurting the least of these. going back it what davto what d said, the people hurt by the lack of subsidies, i m not just thinking about the african-american community, who at first when they joined in on the website thought, i don t know if i can pay for this, and a lot of them did not jump to it to click the button to enroll because they didn t realize that subsidies would help them get insurance. but i m thinking about the poorest of the poor. those in appalachia who need the aca, affordable care act because they don t like obama care. because they didn t understand the difference. so i m just thinking about those kinds of people and how this will hurt them instead of helping. the president is embarking on something he want to fix this, repeal, replace, whatever he wants to do, totally abolish obama care. he want to create something new but he doesn t really realize the ripple effect. this is where i think this relationship is what we are