out there. it wouldn t be very pleasant, but i think that you should within reason think as big as you can, and you know it s very interesting with that book that book did very well. my books all go to number one or do really well as best-sellers. of course. but that book, i have to tell you because of the kick ass didn t do quite as well because a lot of parents it was around christmastime, and a lot of parents couldn t buy it for their child because they didn t like the title. that s really true. i said, why isn t that book selling like everything else? they really had a problem giving a 7-year-old kid a book with that title. here s a really interesting aspect to your character. you ve never had a drop of alcohol in your life, have you? that s right. never. i find that amazing when i discovered that fact. well, for me it was very easy. never touched a drug? no, i ve never had drugs. never smoked cigarettes? never had cigarettes. don t drink coffee. and i d
and they do a great service to the community, and people do small jobs and do a great service. not everybody can think big. if everybody did, it would be a pretty crowded world out there. it wouldn t be very pleasant, but i think that you should within reason think as big as you can, and you know it s very interesting with that book that book did very well. my books all go to number one or best-sellers. of course. but that book, i have to tell you because of the kick ass didn t do quite as well because a lot of parents it was around christmastime, and a lot of parents couldn t buy it for their child because they didn t like the title. really true. i said, why isn t that book selling like everything else? they really had a problem giving a 7-year-old kid a book with that title. here s a really interesting aspect to your character. you ve never had a drop of alcohol in your life, have you? that s right. ever. i find that amazing when i discovered that. well, for me it was
jobs and do a great service. not everybody can think big. if everybody did, it would be a pretty crowded world out there. to wouldn t be very messant but i think that you should within reason think as big as you can and you know it s very interesting with that book, that book did very well. my books all go to number one or best-sellers. of course. but that book i have to tell you because of the kick ass didn t do quite as well because a lot of parents it was around christmastime and a lot of parents couldn t buy it for their child because they didn t like the title. really true. i said why isn t that book selling like everything else. they really had a problem giving a 7-year-old kid a book with that title. here s a really interesting aspect to your character. you ve never had a drop of alcohol in your life. have you that s right. ever. i find that amazing when i discovered that. well, for me it was very easy. never touched a drug. no, i ve never 4 drugs. never smoked
i think women are great. i have a fantastic wife, melania. i m going to come back to the woman. i want to focus on this discipline and where you get it from. you talked once, you had an older brother who was an alcoholic, and he died of alcoholism. and he told you before he died, don t drink and don t smoke. well, i had an older brother named fred who was a great guy, a handsome guy, the most handsome guy that you ve ever seen. he had everything going, but he and he loved flying airplanes and was a pilot, a professional pilot, and somewhere along the line i think it was in college he started drinking, and he got worse and worse, and he also smoked a lot. and he would tell me and he was quite a bit older than me, about ten years older. he would say don t ever smoke, don t ever drink. don t ever smoke, don t ever drink, and i say that to my kids now. no drinking, no drugs, no alcohol. i also say and no tattoos because i think tattoos are horrible. i see this tattoo phase.
so far my kids have been following my lead, but i drive them crazy. they go, dad, will you stop? i had this great brother who had everything going, but he became an alcoholic. he smoked a lot, but forget the smoking. he became an alcoholic, and ultimately he died. he had amazing genes that he lasted as long as he did but was a severe alcoholic. he was an amazing guy, and he was in a certain way my father was a great teacher, but he was one of my great teachers, if not my best, but he got me not to smoke, not to drink, and, you know, it s very interesting, i went to college, and i had a friend who hated the taste of scotch. just hated it. he said, donald, i m working so hard to develop a taste for scotch. i said, listen, you re lucky. just don t have it. he said, no, no, i want to do it. it s social. he s now today a very bad alcoholic, and scotch is his even though he hated the taste to start with. he hated the taste. he wanted to develop a taste. i say to people, don