this body, the democrats are tearing down a world leader in the eyes of those that don t like him and his own country and russia who is attacking him. think about that one for just a second. let that sink in! when we can t make our case we tear down not only try to tear down the leader of the free world, president trump, we re tearing down the newly elected leader of the ukraine. this is amazing to me. you can t make your case against the president because nothing happened and when president zelensky confirms nothing happened we start tearing him down. i never thought we had crossed outside of the ocean to try to basically impugn the integrity of a world leader like we have been for the last two hearings. we have also found other things that we have found in our very minimal hearings in this body is that we ve seen that other committees have used political vendettas against ranking members and others including
mooting out the impeachment. so yes, the constitution is at stake. the framers of our constitutions enlightened decisions are at stake. we are not on the road to becoming a parliamentary democracy like england and canada are. the president should not have to suffer at anything that the congressional majority would throw at him and that s what the courts are for to figure that out and i would appeal to my chairman and the majority members of this committee to listen to what madison and hamilton had to say during the ratification of the constitution and during the debates at the convention. put aside your partisan politics and don t listen to what pelosi, schiff and nadler are telling you because the future of our country and the viability of our
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to be a vehicle that works for the people and answers to their demands of what they elect people to do. he has challenged institutions that have betrayed the american public and they see that and i guarantee you this president wins with overwhelming support. tammy: that s one of the issues especially for democrats that don t like him, they are realizing there something else that occurred in the country was looking at. then there s other things that we see, liberals revealing themselves this thanksgiving. you keep saying tammy: one second here. when maryland excuse me, we are going to move on. we know you don t like him, we know you are upset and we know everyone is upset. you are a young woman. this is no way to live life. politics can be rough and tumble but most of us who have seen this unfold over three years remain shocked at the level of the victory all and that is not going to help anyone and