was emotionally and physically frail. pizzaro just said to me you need to go to the hospital. and i argued with him. i said, no, i want to go home. he said, you need to go to the hospital. ann would spend the next six months at the hospital in san jose. coming up [ speaking foreign language ] translator: the cause of death was homicide. prosecutors don t buy ann s story. translator: ann intended or had planned to kill john bender that night of january 8th, 2010. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth. .it s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue .and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum, tum tum tum. smoothies! only from tums. they lived.
the hospital because, he says, she was emotionally and physically frail. pizarro said to me, you need to go to the hospital. and i argued with him. i said no, i want to go home. he said you need to go to the hospital. ann would spend the next six months at the hospital in san jose. coming up translator: the cause of death was homicide. prosecutors don t buy ann s story. translator: ann intended or had planned to kill john bender that night of january 8th, 2010. [male vo] inside this bag exists over 150 years of swedish coffee experience. that s 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment.
pizzaro then urged her to go to the hospital because he said she was emotionally and physically frail. he said to me, you need to go to the hospital. and i argued with him. i said no, i want to go home. he said you need to go to the hospital. ann would spend the next six months at the hospital in san jose. coming up. the cause of death was homicide. prosecutors don t buy ann s story. ann intended or had planned to kill john bender that night of january 8th. 2010. four-wheel steering is why i get up in the morning. [ jim ] when my grandson grows up, it s his. but it s all mine now. [ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere.
pizzaro then urged her to go to the hospital because he said she was emotionally and physically frail. he said to me, you need to go to the hospital. and i argued with him. i said no, i want to go home. he said you need to go to the hospital. ann would spend the next six months at the hospital in san jose. coming up. the cause of death was homicide. prosecutors don t buy ann s story. ann intended or had planned to kill john bender that night of january 8th. 2010. it s the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles.