i think extremely important that we know what our relationship was with that, if there s none, great. we need to know that for certain. we also need to know about what we fund. that is why i said for a long time at the u.n., don t be throwing money out to buy friends. only send money out to those that are truly our partners, that truly have the best interests of us and we have the breast interests of them. martha: i want to play something from the governor of florida and a quick thought on this other topic about twitter and how it s shutting down a lot of voices in america. here s what he said. i think that s another issue that has been brought to bear when you are the president of the united states. you use the ayatollah talk about killing jews that is wrong. martha: you know, there s the most virulent language on twitter right now about jewish people. what is your thinking on what twitter needs to do to shut that down? congress get to work on