there were something wrong with this election. during the campaign, vice president biden would get 50 people at the event, president trump at just one rally gets 50,000 people. have 11 million more votes in the ad in 2016, and they won 27 toss of races, but somehow the guy who never left his house wins the election? don t believe the results of the election, certified in all 50 states. believe your gut feeling. also believe who was better at infecting large crowds with covid. the instinct of the american people is that trump was robbed, so don t certify the election results. that was january 6th on the floor of the house. jim jordan making the case of the election must of been stolen, that it shouldn t be certified. jim jordan spoke at stop the steal rallies. he did media interviews arguing
after all of that, trump did not give the medal of freedom to vice president mike pence who had after all certified the election, he gave it to jim jordan. two days later jim jordan led the republicans in opposition as the house voted to impeach trump for having incited what happened on january 6th. so yeah, that was a nice try by the republicans, but, no, he s not going to be on the committee. and mafia dons don t get to help to get back to the bottom of organized crime and pyro maniacs don t get jobs as firefighters either. nancy pelosi did not actually draw the line against republicans who voted against certifying the election results. one of the appointees three of the five appointees mccarthy put forward voted against certifying the election results, but one of them she said still would be okay with her being on the committee but she did draw the line on jim jordan and the other guy who said the committee was a terrible thing and
that passes from when that questioning happened in 2018 when this case is a known, live case with this foreign agent to when actually charges are finally brought, all of that delay, at least some of that delay is on the justice department and may have been politically motivated. that increased the counterintelligence risk, the national security risk to our country and our government. without question. and it was part of a pattern of behavior by the past administration. you look at this but don t look at it in isolation. think about the intelligence community whistle-blower who came forward and had concerns about the quid pro quo conversation that trump had with ukrainian president zelensky. that s something doj looked at and said this doesn t even merit investigation. it was sufficient enough to impeach trump over. think about rudy giuliani and the search warrants that were served on him well in advance of this year, if media reporting is to be believed that the grand jury and invest
happened on january 6th. so that was a nice try by the republicans, no he s not gonna be on the committee. and mafia dons don t get to help get to the bottom of organized crime, and pyromaniac s do not get jobs as firefighters either. nancy pelosi did not actually draw the line against republicans who voted against certifying the results election results. there was three of the five appointees of the mccarthy had put forward had voted against certifying the election results. but she did draw the line that jim jordan, and the other guy who said that the committee was a terrible thing and shouldn t look at january 6th. after nancy pelosi made that decision today, the republicans in the house decided that jim jordan could not be in the committee, if you can be on the committee, no one could be on the committee. so any of those five republican
didn t actually win this thing. based on all the things you see. he would make these same arguments on the house floor on january 6th as part of his argument that the election results should not be accepted because trump won. americans instinctively know there was something wrong with this election. during the campaign, vice president biden would do an event and get 50 people at the event. president trump add just one rally gets 50,000 people. you ve got 11 million more votes than he did in 2016 and house republicans won 27 of 27 toss-up races, but somehow the guy who never left his house wins the election? don t believe the results of the election, certified in all 50 states, believe your gut feeling. also believe who was better at infecting large crowds with covid. the instinct of the american people is that trump was robbed, so don t certify the election