The staggering differences and air quality here in the bay area. You may think we are breathing the same quality of air. It turns out, location, location, truly plays a big role. Joining us live to discuss this is the ceo of Climate Technology company. The associate professor of Environmental Engineering and Health Sciences at uc berkeley. Thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. Thank you so much for having us. I would like to start with you. In the bay area, folks are familiar with the term, a qi, air quality index. The Research Found the number we see on our smartphones looks like they qi in San Francisco is 36. Your Research Shows that when we look at the neighborhood numbers, those more specific numbers that might be able to drill down to a particular city, we are not able all breathing the same quality of air. Can you explain how Different Air qualities can really be drastic from one city block to the end of a block and how your technology has really captured those differ