of people that included roger stone and steve bannon urging trump to declare victory regardless of the results, the actual legal results, of the 2020 election. now the january 6th select committee cites a memo that fitton wrote for trump in the run-up to election day, i think the summer before the election, as evidence that in the words of committee member zoe love gren friend the big lie was untensional, promeditated and a plan concocted in advance. here s a snippet from the january 6th select committee s final hearing. a few days before the election, mr. trump also consulted with one of husband outside advisers inside activist tom fitton about the strategy for election night. the select committee got this pre-prepared statement from the national archives. as you can see, the draft statement, which was sent on october 31st, declares we had an election today and i won, and the fitton memo specifically indicates a plan that only the votes counted by the election day deadline
october 31st to quote falsely declare victory on election night and call for the voting to stop would be difficult to wiggle and dance around but i take your point. thank you for starting us off on all of,this. harry and donna stick around. when we come back, the very first public hearing of the new oversight committee will be all about hunter biden. the president s son has been largely silent though as the right has railed against him for years now, and up to today, but a new story, a new body of news reporting and some new moves from his lawyer suggest a dramatic shift in strategy. we ll tell you ball it. plus, it s not hunter biden they are targeting. they have got other people they are seeking payback from. house republicans today threw out democratic congresswoman ilhan omar from one of her high-profile committee posts. up of her colleagues will be our guest on that, and later in the program in the wake of democrats losing their bid to ban firearms
even more dower than this discussion has been, but one of the points that jumped out at me in this piece, nicolle, was the thought that, you know, this is a no-win no matter what happens in 2024. here s what i mean by that. they point out that even if trump were to somehow lose in 2024, no one, at least 30% of the voters, won t accept it. and as john just told us, they will take up arms. they are willing and ready and able. and so, again, when i say january 6th will pale in comparison, imagine a scenario where trump loses in 2024, and his people don t accept it and take up arms. it is ugly either way. frank thank you for your candor and for starting us off. john and donna stick around. when we come back, breaking news from the justice department today. the biden administration again is suing the state of texas. this lawsuit is over the state s new congressional maps which the d.o.j. says they havedy diluted