the number of asylum seekers arriving here has spikes compared to a year ago and applications with in the u. r. at their highest since 2015 in northern italy, francesco to bodies, home town of triest, has become a popular spot for asylum seekers. he s on hand to receive them providing information and a hot meal. often there 1st, in weeks, many of the migrants have just completed an arduous journey on foot, often crossing borders illegally. they flee along the so called western bough can route, which typically begins and turkey and leads through northern italy. that s where they often receive a less than warm welcome. the hopes of many migrants and asylum seekers are crushed as they are left to fend for themselves on the street. it s cold behind the railway station and tree asked in the ruins of an ancient granary ismael shows a group of young men where they can sleep. ismael is originally from pakistan and has lived and worked in the port city for years. but he has never seen