i say good night, and i keep him in my prayers and just hope that i am going to hear from him. the story has become a common one. donna prince s son, taylor, is addicted to heroin. right now she is sick with worry because she has not seen him in six weeks. do you worry about that? all the time. about him dying? yes. for the last six weeks? no, for 20 years. for 20 years? for 20 years my son has been a heroin addict. donna tells us there s a good chance taylor is here at the corner project at washington heights. it s a needle exchange, and has this one of the most controversial bathrooms in the country, a place for people like taylor come to use drugs but are also monitored and can be saved with the medication that can
timer so you can keep on the time. yes. what you are see something a provocative way of trying to reduce death from overdoses. in a year more people in the united states die from drug overdoses than from guns or car accidents. when overdoses happen in our bathroom, people are not dying. i have reversed 25 overdoses yourself? yes, in this bathroom and space. three of those times, he saved the live of taylor prince. and on the day we visited the corner project, he gets to see her son again. it has been a little rocky road for taylor, since then he ended up in jail for a period of time and it was in jail that he started to get treatment for his addiction to heroin, the first time speaking to his mother, donna, she said it was one of
omethadone on methadone getting treatment for his drug addiction. talking to his mother donna, she says it s the safest place he can be. she s worried when he gets out again what s going to happen to him. it s a constant state of worry for her. when you talk about all the lives saved from overdoses, you re talking about the methadone treatment he s getting in prison, there are some concerns though that the medications, the spaces like those bathrooms could actually enable and prolong addiction. they kind it perpetuates a cycle, do you think that s a fair worry or not? you know, erin we ve been talking about the position for so long, he said we want to present some solutions to this because everyone agrees this is a big problem and that have been very few solutions that are effective being presented. it s a provocative one, but you
and just hope that i m going to hear from him. the story has become a common one. donna prince s son taylor is addicted to heroin. right now, she s sick with worry because she hasn t seen him in six weeks. you worry about that? all the time. about him dying? yes. for the last six weeks, i mean no, for 20 years. for 20 years. 20 years my son has been a heroin addict. donna tells us there s a good chance taylor is here, at the corner project in washington heights. it s a needle exchange. but also has this. one of the most controversial bathrooms in the country. a place where people like taylor come to use drugs. but are also monitored and can be saved with the which is reverse an overdose. when taylor first told you