Press Release They walked, jumped, sat, stayed and played all day long! Over 3,200 people and their pets participated in raising needed funds and community awareness for Charleston Animal Society this past weekend, Saturday, June 10 2023, at Riverfront Park for Celebrity Paws in the Park presented by Crews Subaru. The event raised a gross […]
When The Olde Pink House and world famous Woodford Reserve join together to celebrate the 147th Run for the Roses, Park Park Outreach is the real winner! This “fun”draiser has high fashion derby hats and seer sucker suits, a photo booth, live Bluegrass music, a TV screening area and an elaborate outside bar all canopied under the long arms of century-old oaks in Reynolds Square.
Arriving at the same time with me and photographer
Tom Reimer is
Judge Tammy Stokes. A vision from head to toe in vibrant red, the Board of Directors president pauses for a quick chat about the last three years volunteering with Park Place Outreach.