Blue Knob All Seasons Resort will flip the switch on their chair lifts this weekend as the recent cold weather has allowed the resort to get some slopes ready for skiing and snowboarding. While there is limited terrain, the resort will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and plans to […]
Several skiers were evacuated from a malfunctioning ski lift Sunday at Blue Knob All Seasons Resort.
About 5 p.m. Sunday, Blue Knob’s Route 66 double chair lift tower sensors detected a problem with one of the mechanism’s gears and halted the lift in place with skiers still on board, said Donna Himes, the resort’s marketing director.
“If there is a problem with a lift’s motor, an auxillary motor will engage, allowing the skiers to get to their drop off location,” Himes said. “If the problem is with the tower, however, a safety switch flips and everything freezes in place. Essentially, what happened is everything worked as it should.”