Three coequal branches of government. Co equal. Our president is not above the law. Justice serves the people. It does not protect the powerful. Justice is blind. Not only do we see the failure to detect one of the three branches of oui detect one of the three branches of our government, we also saw a clear failure to carry out equaljustice. They used to say in the senate excuse a they used to say in the senate excuse a point of personal privilege. A little over an hour and half after chaos started i got a text from my grand Donna Finnegan biden, a senior in her last semester from university of pennsylvania. She sent me a photo of military people in full military gear. Scores of them lining the steps of the lincoln memorial. Because a protest by black lives matter. She said paul, this isnt fair. No one can tell me that if that had been a group of black lives matter protesting yesterday there wouldnt have been, they wouldnt of been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs th