Osman explores all sides of an issue
I am writing to express my strong support for the election of Franny Osman to the town of Acton Select Board. I have had the pleasure of working with Franny on a variety of local issues and have always been impressed with her desire to explore all sides of an issue so as to come to sensible and balanced solution to the issue at hand.
As a person who believes strongly in the protection of our local open spaces, woodlands and farms, I particularly appreciate Franny’s support for open space preservation and environmental protection. Franny played a key role in the preservation of the Wright Hill property in West Acton and the Piper Lane property in South Acton. I also greatly appreciate Franny’s support for increasing both low- and moderate-income housing opportunities in Acton, and her recognition that land protection and fair housing are not mutually exclusive issues, but rather equally important components of a healthy community.
Nancy Waters
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The Acton Democratic Town Committee (ADTC) and the Roche Brothers Acton store teamed up on Saturday, Jan. 23 as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Service to collect and deliver a full truckload of groceries to the Acton Food Pantry.
More than twenty volunteers handed out and posted fliers to encourage donations from Roche Brothers shoppers over the course of the day and then sorted and loaded them onto a food pantry truck. Their efforts were so successful, said Donna Bottari, the director of the Acton Community Supper and Food Pantry, that it took her and her helpers nearly three hours to unload all the groceries from the truck. In addition, members of the ADTC and their friends donated more than $750 in cash to the pantry.