improving. although he is still sedated in critical condition. trying to get him to breathe on his own. we are kind of taking it day by day. seeing massive surge of illegal boat landings. shut down the national park. miami encounters are up over 400 percent. when you reward people for violating our laws, that s when people are going to come. open 200 years the cherished site is where jesus healed the blind. you re out of touch i m out of time but i m head when you re not around. your out of touch. steve: good morning, washington, d.c. you re out of touch. that was toba, our sound man s suggestion for the music to start the program. [cheers] ainsley: perfect song it for this morning, right? steve: no kidding. 66 degrees in washington, d.c. where at least 20 members of congress are out of touch and according to the majority, republicans. and it looks like a real good chance of rain. will it rain on kevin mccarthy s parade again today? stay tuned, buc
buck? buck? bucshon? mccarthy. budzinski? jeffries. burchett? mccarthy. burgess? mccarthy. burlison? mccarthy. bush? jeffries. calvert? mccarthy. caraveo? jeffries. carbajal? jeffries. mccarthy. carl? mccarthy. carson? jeffries. carter of georgia? mccarthy. carter of louisiana? jeffries. carter of texas? mccarthy. casar? jeffries. case? jeffries. casten? jeffries. castor of florida? jeffries. castro of cicilline? jeffries. ciscomani? mccarthy. clark of massachusetts? jeffries. clarke of new mccarthy. comer? mccarthy. connolly? so we are waiting for the vote for michael cloud because potentially if he did decide not to vote for kevin mccarthy, that would have put them over the threshold but now we are waiting for andrew clyde. we have the fifth ballot for speaker and the fifth ballot that seems to be moving in the same direction as the first four? exactly. it was 21 on the last ballot. 21 republicans who did not vote for mccarthy. 20 voted for donalds. one voted present. a
hi there, everyone, here we go again. it s 4:00 in new york. at this hour, the house of representatives is completely and totally paralyzed. it is unable and incapable of swearing in members, forming committees, setting rules for itself, passing legislation even in the case of an emergency, couldn t do any of those things. it s a state of chaos and paralysis that is unprecedent ed in modern american history and it is all because the new republican house majority cannot agree on who should lead it in the 118th congress. house gop leader kevin mccarthy has moved into the speaker s office already, appears to be living by the motto, if at first you don t succeed try, try, try, try, try, try again. he has now lost five votes for the speakership, a sixth vote is underway. it s already clear from the math that mccarthy doesn t have the votes to become speaker of the house of representatives this time either. democrats for their part quietly made history yesterday by choosing the fir
sfref gist. cleaver. jeffries. cline. kevin mccarthy. mccarthy. cloud. jim jordan. jordan. clyburn. hakeem jeffries. jeffries. clyde. andy biggs. biggs. cohen. i have eight times passed my vote for the greatest speaker of a generation, nancy pelosi. i proudly cast my vote for the next great speaker of the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries. jeffries. cole. kevin mccarthy. mccarthy. collins. mccarthy. mccarthy. komer. comer. mccarthy. mccarthy. connelly. hakeem jeffries of new york. jeffries. costa? the gentleman from new york, hakeem jeffries. jeffries. courtney. hakeem jeffries. jeffries. craig. hakeem jeffries. jeffries. crane. biggs. biggs. crawford? mccarthy. mccarthy. crenshaw. senator mccarthy. mccarthy. crockett. my first and very unified for hakeem jeffries. jeffries. crow. hakeem jeffries. jeffries. cuellar. jeffries. jeffries. curtis. kevin mccarthy. mccarthy. da
the tellers agree that the total number of votes cast is 434 of which the honorable hakeem jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. [ cheers and applause ] the honorable kevin mccarthy of the state of california has received 203. [ cheers and applause ]. the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 19. no person having received the majority of the whole number of votes cast by surname, a speaker has not been elected. for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana rise? madam clerk, i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy for the position of speaker of the house. the gentleman is recognized. [ applause ] thank you, madam clerk. we all came here to get things done, to get big things done, the solve the problems. and i hope when we get through today that all of the members on both sides of the aisle will join together with us to solve the problems, to address inflation that is crushing middle class families, to get control over spending will