Americans are being bombarded through the media and from the GOP primary presidential campaign: crisis at the border; again. This time, however, they are not discussing joint efforts with Mexico;
In 1960 the census reported there were four million people in the U.S. we call Hispanics/Latinos today. The four million have mushroomed in numbers; in 2020’s census, 63 million Hispanics
here s something to keep an eye on tomorrow morning. 10:00 a.m., before the second circuit court of appeals in new york, federal appeals court that sits in new york, there will be oral arguments in the case of donald j. trump and donald j. trump jr. versus the committee on financial services. this is the president trying to block democrats in the house from getting his financial records. in april, two committees in the house subpoenaed capital one and deutsche bank to gain access to financial records related to the president. the president s long-time personal attorney general michael cohen had testified under oath that the president inflated his assets and lied about the value of things that he was in control of in order to secure bank loans or for insurance purposes. the way michael cohen described it, he said those things could
which is of course about as big warning sign. red flags. certainly you re dealing with a government official. and doing business in the country that scores very poorly on the transparent si index. you have a reason to take extra due diligence. the trump organization attorney told the new yorker that the company did do due diligence for the project. but wouldn t provide details. trump cancelled the deal a month after the election. the same attorney turned it house cleaning. ahead, the most infamous trump business. trump university. paid in full by credit card. credit card.
at who trump listed as owner of each of the more than 500 assets. it was trump. trump is at the center. he owns bits and pieces and all of hundreds of corporations. and llcs. the 2017 assets. there were changes. le took all of the ownership stakes and transferred them to six different corporations and llcs. on paper he can point to the disclosure and say i m not longer listed as owner sp he would be right on paper. not in reality. because he traced all six entities to the president trust. which is made to benefit him. he can take money from it any time. any time. and this document proves that. first uncovered the page says the trustee shall distribute net