carson, now tied in iowa? it s not like ben carson is lighting anyone on fire. he s not out there on the stump going crazy. is trump going to start talking about ben carson the way he s talking about jeb bush? we ll see. i m not sure he knows himself, at this point. one thing about politics is when you get down to a two-person race and we are a ways from that. if it came down to a trump versus carson race or trump versus anyone race, i think that, you know, you would start to see sparks. you look through american history. it is just chock full of these examples. john f. kennedy and lyndon johnson and nelson rockefeller and barry goldwater and on and on it goes. bill clinton and others. in the end, most of the time, they make up and move on. a lot of times they win. i expect there may well be some of this. this is a good thing, not a bad
bush gets out of his own space, a confident person who s done a lot of stuff in government and steps on to turf where he s not comfortable and in some ways responding to donors or backers. go out there and fight back. he gets out there and it s an uneven match. why not become a feisty tortoise? a snapping turtle. i like that, john berman. i think to errol piece point, trump is playing different than bush. trump is moving in for the kill. jeb is not able to push back. you can show a video. there are no points. it is done for backers. it s done for the press to write he s hitting back. at the end of the day, i think it s a plea to the superpac that s said, mike murphy that runs the superpac says we are
do you identify as a democrat or republican? you would be shocked if i said that, in many cases, i probably identify more as a democrat. why are you a republican? i have no idea. now he s evolved. is that okay? does that tarnish his image? depends on which way you are evolving to. evolving on gay marriage is a positive thing. on the right, if you are a republican, that is not a bad thing. but, i think the video of donald trump s positions, they were not taken a long time ago. watching this clip, this is not the most devastating line of attacks you could use against him. the hillary clinton thing stood out. as soon as i saw it, jeb bush himself, you know, presented her or was present far medal ceremony she was part of two
i m sure he s going to fight back and continue to fight back. i think donald trump understands that perfectly, so i expect we will see more of this as we go along. we have been talking to people here. maggie was errol were here. they are not convinced the attack from jeb bush is going to land. let me ask you, is this the best he can do? i think it s going to be a consistent strategy. i do think somebody has to go through the trouble and through the effort of unmasking and revealing donald trump for what he is. a guy who has been a liberal. a lot of his life, recently became the conservative before the liberal in new york. is this what an angry jeb bush looks like in. you know, i don t think you are going to see jeb bush breathe fire. that s not his type of thing. i think you are going to see him
confident that everyone out there could get the job done? i wouldn t go that far, but i think it s a good field. mr. cheney, you were jeb bush s father s secretary of defense, his brother s vice president. some people would wonder why it s just not natural for you to endorse jeb? i was happy to serve in prior administrations. both president bush s say they gave me great opportunity and i was happy to serve them. i like jeb. he s a good man and good governor in florida. i have not endorsed him for president. i watch with interest how it develops. that s interesting. what s the subtext there? why not endorse him? he s out raising a tremendous amount of money for the republican party for everybody. but, they are going to wait a while. if you ask me who he s closest