yet he does it anyway. that bothers me that he did it anyway, even though he was directed and he s supposed to be a man of great integrity. i think what donald trump did, what president obama did was very reasonable. he was proactively told by director comey that he s not under investigation. i think it s a natural reaction to say can you say that out loud and lift the cloud? jesse: it s been a cloud over his administration for the first part of the term. he take this memo, director comey, and shops it out to his buddy at columbia. he leaks it to the press. is that okay for someone to do? is he in trouble for doing that potentially? he created a lot of legal problems for himself, because
contractor, if the story is true, and the allegation is true, you ought to put handcuffs on her and she should be in jail. jesse: more shoes should drop on leakers soon, correct? we have been begging the obama administration to look at people s social media profile before you give them security clearances. look at their social media before you give them visas. if you are giving them the nation s secrets, they should look at what they are pounding out online. jesse: also something ignored this week. the report from your committee that said president trump and his a.g. eric holder covered up the murder of border patrol agent brian terry during the fast and furious investigation. what are we going to see with
another generation. do you think donald trump is receiving fair news from everybody, the harassment he s been getting? donald trump? he s the president of the united states. there it is, snowflake number one melted. i m from texas, am i dressed appropriately for new york? anything is acceptable. jesse: me up man t-roy needs a little in the clothing department. can you help him out? some skinny jeans. oh, yeah. i m not made for skinny jeans. do you have a little bit bigger size than this? no.
i love you. but, but come on, come on, buddy. jesse: fresh off that embarrassing prediction, donald trump quote hired a group of prostitutes to defile a hotel room where obama slept. it turned substitute to be fake news. february 14 the new york times flashed this so-called school. trump campaign aides had repeated contact with russian intelligence. james comey was asked about that and he said quote it was not true. he went on to say this about whether there was any obstruction of justice. did the president at any time ask you to stop the f.b.i. investigation into russian involvement in the 2016u.s. elections. not to my understanding, no.
contractor and bernie sanders supporter reality winner got popped for sending classified material to a news outlet. i have a list of dozens of other leak, the manchester bombing information, kushner s conversations. president trump s conversations with world leaders. this has got to be the beginning of a very aggressive anti-leak campaign be don t you think? there is classified information for a reason. i don t care which side of the aisle you are on. just because you wanted to get out doesn t mean you have permission to give it to a reporter or put it out there on to the internet. if you feel the need to share something with congress, you can do that in a legally lawful way. but you can t just put it out there. i m not sucking this with director comey. but somebody like reality winner, a 25-year-old contractor, if the story is