David Leavitt passed away. This is the full obituary where you can share condolences and memories. Published in the The Daily News of Newburyport on 2023-12-08.
written document that summarizes what was done on the 16th. thanks to commissioner liu for playing a significant part in putting this document together. before we begin, one issue i think should be made clear, there seems to have about some confusion about whether or not the commission would provide some recommendation as to what the effect of the recommendation of official misconduct should be. having reviewed the transcript and certainly my personal understanding of what we decided on the 16th was that there was no need to provide any explanation for suggestion of what the affect of a recommendation of official misconduct would be. because the charter clearly states that if there is a finding of official misconduct, then the person found to have committed official misconduct shall be removed from office. so it seemed to me there is no discretion for the commission to determine or to provide a recommendation to board as to what should happen, should the board find that the s
item seven. this has been a tearful meeting. tears of joy. item 7, commissioner comments and questions. are there any? i would like to comment, a quick update about a sub committee for the task force we had pulled together in february and march. we did hold two meetings, we intended on holding three. for anyone that is paying attention to planning is, the western soma plan released its er and comments were due yesterday. we were trying to pull together the group began to see if we can formally comment as a subcommittee or even pass that along to the full commission. the meetings, we had could turn out the first meeting. we talked about housing, entertainment, the buffer zones that around or around the housing and we talked about transportation and the need for entertainment along routes of public transit. unfortunately, we could not formalize any recommendations and it is too late for the eir. i would like to dissolve the committee for the time being. i think we will ha
board commissioner to public comment, especially of legitimate public comment, it is disgraceful. people have a hard enough time public speaking. it is one of the things people fear most in their life and it is hard enough for citizens of the city to come to a board or commission when they are concerned about an item then address those boards and commissions and to be aware of the fact that members in the auditorium and members on sfgtv are also watching them. to have someone showed a total animosity not only says that message to that individual but it sends a message to every other person in the chamber and every person watching on government television. it s as we did not want your comments, we did not appreciate them, and if you see the wrong thing to us, we will attack you. our response is ok, the ordinance clearly says members are free to express their opinions, to respond, and i want to thank you for the responses i have gone although i may have not agreed with each one
took an oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to bear true faith true faith and allegiance. one of the interesting things about that later when i left the armed forces examining station, i realized i had lived 20 years of my life, had these liberties granted to me by the constitution, not only in this case of the u.s. but in california, and i had never had to do anything in return. i also realized at that point i was never going to be able to and accountants to put the burden down. polehinke no me by my appearances here and i am not too shy about i think you know me by my parents is here and i am not too sure about my parents is. it is my right to do so and i feel it is my right to do so, petitioning government for redress of grievances. when i see of their careers of the public and they re not given an opportunity to speak, or their comments are disparaged or whatever, i find that totally unacceptable.