President foley and speakers and members of the legislatur legislature, distinguished guests friends, fellow nebraskans good morning. Congratulations on the commencement of the 106 nebraska legislature. I want to welcome each of you back and i look forward to working together to keep nebraska strong on what is known to be a fast pace from Property Tax Relief we have several priorities and as we enter this session our priorities in 2020 have been shaped by the events and circumstances our state has faced over the last year. As i have said before i believe 2019 will be remembered as nebraskas finest hour. [applause] when we were faced with the most widespread and costly Natural Disaster in state histor history, nebraskans responded with heroic grit and determination and resilience and generosity. For 318 days through december 19 nebraska had a flood watch warning or advisory somewhere in our state. Through it all nebraska show the world what it truly means to be nebraska strong. The resc