Spain ends state of emergency and enters ‘reopening’ phase – Normalitas
ksuadminMay 7, 2021
Today is one of those days.
Walk away thinking about losses and bad news up close and not so close. Covid, non-Covid, in addition to explanations, like life itself.
My eyes curl 180,479 times reading the same sentence in an article, my browser windows multiply in chaotic asmr-culinary-musical distractions.
One of them: the recipe for a classic Spanish dessert, leche frita (fried milk), typical of the Lenten era. Abuela’s (grandmother’s) food, the one with everything Sapien’s Health magazines would condemn. I see that there are also versions of the recipe in Portuguese – of course, Brazel is the country of all @ s, the conspiracy of pancosmogônica immigration, etc. etc.