in there was some very, very tall, older teens to early 20s, and there was, like, stalks of skunk cannabis, all over my kitchen. and they d obviouslyjust cropped, as they call it, and they were bagging up in my kitchen, and sorting it all out. when i went in, i was quite shocked, and my reaction was what do you think you re all doing, how dare you? they all ignored me. nobody lifted an eyebrow. i thought that that that me sort of cursing, and and my tone, it d have made everyone walk out. my son just looked and sort of said don t start and i had to back out of the room. and that s when i realised things were getting really, really bad. i was phoning social services and i were finding weapons as well machetes, knives he was getting caught with knives at school. i was taking them to the police station, asking them will you please arrest my son?
but when i walked in there were some very tall older teens to early 20s, and there were stalks of skunk cannabis all over my kitchen. they had obviouslyjust cropped as they call it and they were bagging it up in my kitchen. sorting it all out. i know went in i was quite shocked. my reaction was, what do you think you re doing? how dare you? they all ignored me. nobody lifted an eyebrow. i thought that me cursing and my tone would have made them walk out, my son just looked and said, don t start. and i had to back out of the room. and that s when i realised things were getting really bad. i was phoning social services, and i was finding weapons as well, machetes, knives, they were getting caught with knives at school, i was taking them to the police station.
supper. they said the big brother s friends were in the kitchen and there were bridges everywhere. i didn t understand at the time and when i walked in there was some very, very tall, olderteens in there was some very, very tall, older teens to early 20s, and there was stalks of skunk cannabis, all over the kitchen. they were backing up in my kitchen. and sorting it all out. when i went in, i was quite shocked at my reaction was what do you think you re doing? how dare you! to me. nobody lifted an eyebrow. my son just looked and sorted said don t start, and i had to back out of the room. and that s when i realised things were getting really, really bad. i was calling social services and
their supper and they said that the big grother s friends were in the kitchen and there was branches everywhere. i didn t understand at the time but when i walked in there were some very tall older teens to early 20s, and there were stalks of skunk cannabis all over my kitchen. they had obviouslyjust cropped it and they were bagging it up in my kitchen. sorting it all out. i know went in i was quite shocked, my reaction was what do you think you re doing? they all ignored me. nobody lifted an eyebrow. i thought that me cursing and my tone would have made them walk out, my son just looked and said, don t start. and i had to back out of the room. and that s when i realised things were getting really bad. i was phoning social services, and i was finding weapons as well,
i m seeing now like factions of parents who kind of stick together and say we re not going to do social media. and then i ve seen these kids followed these kids up until they re going to college and they re in much better shape. they have higher self-esteem, they have a better sense of themselves. they re not looking for external validation all the time. if you haven t started, don t start. if you have started, you can still pull back. i just think try to do it with another family to eliminate social media. i always say do a four-week screen fast. no smartphones, no nothing. that will reset the nervous system and also resets people s habits and what they re used to doing. i can tell you i do this with teenage girls all the time. almost all of them say they feel relieved because there s so much pressure and it s so time consuming. so i think a lot of times we re so afraid that we re going to cut them off, but aside from the very beginning when they might have some anxiety about it, if