and probably most are, but at some level the people who run the democratic party weren t upset at all. they were thrilled. here was an issue for them to run in the midterm elections, an issue perfectly suited to a party that had nothing to talk about. are they going to brag about joe biden? i don t think so. it s abortion, they re going to take your abortions away. that was the democratic message for the midterm elections, coming up in just a few days, but there was a problem with the messaging. so covid had just ended, and people not being entirely stupid still remembered this very same democratic party, the same people, had forced the entire population to wear paper masks like children, and then to take the shot as a condition of going outside. so women have the right to control their own bodies? hmm. they used to tell us that. then they fired thousands of nurses for refusing to submit to an experimental vaccine. so the phrase my body my choice had been, as we say in the
that s like the hands made tale. theocrasy. next they ll control what you read on social media. oh, wait. ha-ha-ha! it s pretty amazing. the good thing is, it s not working. abortion politics is a total fixation of democratic donors. it s the main thing they care about. why is that, by the way? it s a religion. it s a child sacrifices cult. not everyone else feels that i what. even democrats. as the daily caller just reported, polls show that, quote, abortion is not a top priority for philadelphia voters. in fact, quote, most women support abortion limits that would have been considered unconstitutional under the roe vs. wade precedent. oh. so it looks like yelling about abortion is definitely not enough to keep democrats in control of the congress. are you surprised by that? no, of course not. you live here. so how did the highly paid
admittedly pretty smart strategists who figure out what the issues are in the democratic party so misjudge this one? they forgot that not everyone in america is as miserable as they are. in fact, there are still plenty of people in this country, believe it or not, who have happy marriages. there s still people who love their kids and their grandchildren. still people consider babies a blessing, not just an obstacle to better vacation. now some of those people, maybe a lot of those people, might consider themselves, quote, pro-choice, but they re hardly abortion. they don t think abortion is a positive good. it s not. they don t consider it liberation. they definitely don t see abortion as janet yellen recently claimed as the answer to our national economic problem. she said that. so here s how it works. janet yellen gets rich giving speeches to the companies she regulates. that s corruption, but never charged. she s still free. in fact, she s the treasury
and probably most are, but at some level the people who run the democratic party weren t upset at all. they were thrilled. here was an issue for them to run in the midterm elections, an issue perfectly suited to a party that had nothing to talk about. are they going to brag about joe biden? i don t think so. it s abortion, they re going to take your abortions away. that was the democratic message for the midterm elections, coming up in just a few days, but there was a problem with the messaging. so covid had just ended, and people not being entirely stupid still remembered this very same democratic party, the same people, had forced the entire population to wear paper masks like children, and then to take the shot as a condition of going outside. so women have the right to control their own bodies? hmm. they used to tell us that. then they fired thousands of nurses for refusing to submit to an experimental vaccine. so the phrase my body my
choice had been, as we say in the news business, overtaken by events. clearly democrats needed a new slogan, a new way to talk about abortion. unfortunately nobody could think of one. your body, my choice ? no. that wouldn t work. it was too real. in the end, liberals dusted off the same old talking points and pretended like covid never happened. watch. midterm election is now less than three weeks away. in the final stretch, i ve noticed, i don t know if you ve noticed, frankly this gas lighting of women voters, this message that says you don t control about your own right to your own bodies, dear, it s the economy, stupid. a media narrative that women don t care about abortion, that women don t mind if the states care about their bodies. they don t care about that. they just care about the price of milk. tucker: a shame if states got to control people s bodies, like telling people what to wear on their faces, or what drugs they have to be injected with.