situation and said, you can t do this to people. that was a couple of years ago. and we expect the same thing s going to happen in massachusetts. there is n happen io way that state governments can exclude whole groups of religiouvernments peoe having the supposedly wrong religious beliefs about . that sy wron outrageous. it s harmful for the kids. it s illegal. it s unconstitutional. and it s going to lose. well, you know what i mean. there s a reason freedom ofas religionon is in the first amendment. and the idea that we re going to persecute actual parents willing to adopt or foster is is outrageous when we knoweo the damageus that s done to a lt of these children who have don t have ve the othe opportunity or the e to be with a loving family or any kind of unitind of whererotd they feel protected. i mean, it s so sad. what s i mean, going on.thin and yet, when do you think you made families in? yeah, we do. th need thes we e families in fostering kids. they they are there and