kayleigh mcenany and he s due back in court wednesday and not entering a plea and authorized retention of national defense and the willful retention of classified documents and 102nd and granted in access and higher level security clearance and new details if the airman semperred government computers. the classified and sensitive information. what general will lose their job? there s only one way to look at this and bipartisan condemnation for what this young man did. they can expose sources and methods of how we spy the incompetence is stunning and it s a massive catastrophic o could your honor please that should have never have happened. one thing with the pentagon briefing and general pat writer and there s procedures and rules and processes in place. take a listen. we are safeguarding classified and in place for each of us signing a non-disclosure agreement and they have a security clearance. look, again, we have proc proces with to belabor the point and safegua
employment where the speaker is like any questions and then you just go down a rabbit hole of nonsense and first couple are thoughtful and everything after that is a piling on and absolute incendiary atrocious and half asleep and someone is like what if this, what if this. that is the scenario that the people living in fantasy land have created and dabbling in politics and no place for them there. let me pile on what you re saying here. i have to weigh in. this morning before 6:00 a.m., i m coming in for our 6:00 a.m. show on fbn, don t have car service so i have to come into my car and park and walk across time square. you want to see something that s not safe, you want to feel under threat, walk through new york city before the sun comes up. that s my instruction to you. wow. kayleigh, really quickly, if these groups and individuals are so afraid ophryon desantis, why would they tell people to leave florida making it a deep, deep,
raising concern about whether this was unfair, unconstitutional, and illegal. they say that this is unfair to all the people in this country that chose not to take on a student loan, that did not go to college and decide to go to trade school. or others that work their way through college and paid off i understand your point. but they also see the points going on a debt that these people took on taxpayers across the country pay. let me say, that that is forgiven all the time, from government, people, military, all the time. that is forgiven. i m with you, on nancy pelosi did say that. but, look, i don t have kids, i think that pay for public schools. i know people who don t have car that pay for public roads and whatever, libraries, that don t use that. so that argument about, it s unfair because other people have paid. that doesn t that rings hollow to me. but to her point, nancy pelosi did say that the power of the person is not what the president, it s with . that s