of the left, you were censored. so that s why it s so important for what we re doing at truth social. we re giving people their voice back. let the marketplace there s hundreds of people of people on instagram and facebook and tik tok. we re trying to build out features that make social media fun again and don t censor, but we re trying to make sure that we have a place that is taking the best attributes of those platforms so that we can also reach tens of millions of americans ultimately where we re a fun safe place to be. martha: i think that everyone would agree it s healthy to get the networks open and the more the merrier and may the best companies win. devin nunes, thank you. always a pleasure. martha: for the first time in almost 60 years, the now 96-year-old queen elizabeth did not attend the state opening of parliament today. prince charles atented in her place making a historic moment. prince williams next in line
cruise liner is suspended. rescue diver face new difficulties while the captain may face years of prison. i m wolf blitzern charleston, south carolina. you re in the situation room. just releasing right now, a latest poll showing a tightening race. newt gingrich is charging ahead, trying to keep the fight for the republican nomination going, and the new cnn/time/orc poll shows him closing the gap here in south carolina. mitt romney remains the front-runner with 33%. gingrich up now, though, to 23%. rick santorum third at, and rick perry 6%. joining us now our chief political analyst gloria borger and time columnist joe klein. gloria, let me say, the gap seems to be narrowing in these recent days. what evidence do we see? take a look at this, wolf. in the poll we did january 4th to 5th there was a 19-point difference. now, in our current poll there s a ten-point gap. i think we can explain that by the fact that quite honestly mitt romney hasn t had a good week. and the