hah keep jeffries. cleaver? jeffries. cline? kevin mccarthy. cloud? jim jordan. clyburn? jeffries. clyde? biggs. cohen? hakeem jeffries. cole? mccarthy. collins? as we listen to the roll being called by my count, five republicans have voted against mccarthy for speaker. two voted for jim jordan, one included boebert. and two for andy biggs. garrett haake, by my count that s five and he could only lose four. on this first role call, he said he will keep this going vote after vote until they get worn down or something breaks. is that your take? we never call votes until they are over, but in this case, i now count six, one more since we came on the air. clyde voting for andy biggs, one of the leaders of this rebel group. six republicans so far voting against kevin mccarthy. if the math holds through the remainder of the alphabet, as we have every reason to expect it will, with all democrats voing for hakeem jeffries, we do appear to be in a s
the rebels, the renegades in his party were from the left. they were progressive republicans. they withheld their votes from him on that first ballot. allies immediately moved to a second ballot. didn t get it on the second ballot. they went to a third. didn t get it. went to a fourth, didn t get it. took them until late in the day and at that point, they made a motion to adjourn. they tried again the next day. failed a new more times. they took three days and nine ballots, but the last time we were in this territory, gillette did end up winning. he granted enough concessions to win. so the strategy then was what you re talking about now. don t adjourn, this is what mccarthy people are talking about. don t adjourn. try to keep this going. try to wear down these republicans. we did not vote for him on the first ballot, but looking at the map, we did see all 212 democrats vote for jeffries. no renegades vote for someone