democrats and turned control of congress over to republicans in the middle of president clinton s first term. so what does it mean for lawmakers trying to keep their seats? bryan don mu is founder of craft media, a public relations consulting firm. michael bloomfield is a democratic pollster. welcome to both of you. michael glad to be here. jon: michael, if there is an antiincumbent mood that is that pervasive it would seem that the democrats, your party, would stand to suffer the most simply because you outnumber republicans in both houses. that is one of the byproducts of win big in 2006 and 2008 is now we have more incumbents in both the senate and the house and obviously if there s anger, that s something we have to worry about. but everything else in this poll actually i think was very positive for democrats. we have had an advantage on which party they trust more, trusting it to handle the problems that face the nation in the last two years and in fact while we still