As Don Melander points out (Monitor, 12/17), evidence of our systemic racism is our acceptance of city ghettoes.A student I had when teaching at Mass Bay Community College one day told me that in her dominantly Black Boston neighborhood, “It’s easier.
I’m going to make this as short and clear, but not as sweet, as I can. Systemic racism in America is identified, represented and even explained by the persistent existence of one phenomenon in American history, culture, and experience: the urban.
Chinua Achebe borrowed the title of his great book from W. B. Yeats’ 1919 poem “The Second Coming,” which announced the collapse of the teleology that had driven western civilization since the birth of Jesus: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot.
I am always amused by letters sent to the editor that take enemies of Trump to task for “vitriolic, vituperative, vile, verbal vomit” when Trump himself always refers to his opponents in “vitriolic, vituperative, vile” terms. What is “vitriolic,.
Texas legislators have allowed Texans to arm themselves and turned vigilantes on women, girls, men and doctors who seek, aid in obtaining, or perform abortions. Women, mainly, who once again are being told by old white men, mainly, what they may or.