Fanshawe College’s skilled trades faculty got a major boost Friday thanks to a $2-million donation the school is calling the largest individual gift in its…
Fanshawe College’s skilled trades faculty got a major boost Friday thanks to a $2-million donation the school is calling the largest individual gift in its…
On Friday, Fanshawe College received one of the largest individual gifts in its history. Jamie Crich, president of Auburn Developments, announced a donation of $2 million to the college to create the Don Crich Skilled Trades Accelerator, named in honour of his late father.
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It’s the end of the legal road for a London-based developer who for 23 years battled the City of Windsor’s expropriation of the last privately-held land along the central riverfront.
The six acres just west of the Caron Avenue Pumping Station was expropriated in 1998, incorporated into the six kilometres of prized parkland along the Detroit River. But since then, Shergar Development had been unsuccessfully fighting the legitimacy of the expropriation, what it should be paid by the city and finally how much interest it deserves after all these years.
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