to hold on to white male patriarchal supremacy and i have a hard time finding out about what is the common connective tissue, what is the unifying thread other than that. look at the policy happening on the state and local level and even at the national level. the only discernible policy is a united push to keep other folks from voting so we can maintain these patriarchal policies. it s really time we stop looking for, you know, the thing that will make them finally break from trump. there s nothing that will make them break from trump because trump is the leader in maintaining the one unifying theology right now. so, bill, after that injection of reality from don, how important is it to you to find out what was going on on the inside, for example, on 1/6, knowing that the answer to that will fall into two buckets, red
large part of your life s work. we had our very smart mutual friend on a few days back, and i m going to paraphrase her at great danger. she said in effect, a lot of the democrats are getting played. they put all their chips, all their attention, all their noise on the casting of votes. the game being played in state houses more quietly is about the counting of votes, and party control. the party ability to draw the curtain while votes are tallied, and don, what is the remedy for that, if this becomes law at the state house level? i think the first and most important remedy is the john lewis voting rights act. joyce vance, my fellow alabamians mentioned a moment ago that the john s voting rights act is perhaps the most important thing because it restores section five of 1965
not do something on voting rights reform. that s why we are in a much more optimistic posture as democrats, than we were a week ago, and we ve gotten joe manchin to a decent place. democrats would not be able to look at anybody with a straight face by having passed juneteenth and not done anything on voting rights. i think everybody should claim a pretty broad victory here, and we are happier than we were this time last week. mark, don raises a terrific point, and that is that some of these senators who were part of the unanimous yes vote on the juneteenth legislation are big fans of voter suppression back home. they know it, they know we know, and we know their names. what would your advice be to the democrats, especially given the kind of bubble of hope surrounding what mr. manchin has been able to write? but mr. manchin has been able to get some agreement with, and
we are dispatching teams to look into all of these crises that are afoot, and case there is any question there about gop messaging. the new york times puts it this way, quote, for a house republicans, outrage maybe the tie that binds at least their leaders hopes out. still overwhelmingly in the thrall of donald trump. they have learned over the past four years that grievance loudly expressed carries political weight especially with their core voters. still with us, don callaway, marc mackinnon. mark anytime we use the word crisis, i think we are duty bound to use the old phrase never let a crisis go to waste. but what about crises of your own perception? what if this is indeed absent any ideas or policy if this is how they are going to go? if this is that how they will run back home in 2022? that s become the default
for the republican party, brian. it s all about grievance, and now the catchword of the day as you captured this crisis. everything is a crisis, including anything and everything. that would ve occurred even if donald trump is still president. hacks on pipelines, all sorts of things. natural disasters, climate issues that are happening. it s all joe biden s fault. he controls the sun. or if they believe he does control the sun, i guess. but the fact that it s all about. grievances nothing forward-looking, and they even jumped on biden over his international trip not being tough enough on putin. having passed the laugh test are not being tough enough on putin when these guys were looking the boots of a guy who didn t get one negative word about putin for four years. i urge our viewers to stick around to our last segment, we may have a word or two on that very topic. don, i want to go back to the subject matter in our last segment, considering it is a