and i predict it will get worse, a lot worse, especially during the primary season with house candidates and potentially senate candidates as well, republican primaries, i should say, because you re going to see the most extreme trump ack adoodles out there. they used to be shunned by leadership and that s all changing. don says this comes in cycles, and i agree with him there, but we ve never seen in a cycle the most extreme of a party dictate the leadership of the party. and that s what scares me to death. you look at what nancy pelosi said. sure, i had policy disagreements with her many, many times, but she said she will not let doing the right thing she ll make sure the right thing gets done no matter what threats the republicans may make. she s not going to stop doing
give the gavel to trump. she would go crazy. he can sort things out and step out and announce his 2024 campaign. ironically, the man who hopes to be the next speaker today, the man holding up biden s spending bill tonight said he s been in contact with trump as recently as this morning. he called up. he was on the golf course. did he talk about yesterday at all? no. campaign stuff? catching up. no, wasn t even campaign either. that question about yesterday refers to the censure of arizona republican paul gosar e. we ll have more on the fallout from that later in the hour. also tonight, a new report ties kimberly guilfoyle, girlfriend of don junior to efforts that were held before the january 6th insurrection. propublica reports she bragged she had raised $3 million for the rally. quote, in a series of text
i mean they can t do it yet because they haven t passed the social net infrastructure part yet. but when it comes to bridge and tunnels it s really easy to show up at a ground breaking with a shovel and they need to show what that shovel means and how it s going to help that community. well, we all grew up looking at those highway signs that said say with it me, your tax dollars at work. it was always at the end of the roadblock after you lost two hours on your family vacation as if to make you feel better when traffic freed up again. hey, don, i understand you differed with mr. carville. oh, greatly. who blamed stupid wokeness on so many of the problems the democrats have had. there comes a time, i m from st. louis, i m a big fan of the spinks brother. bad day to see him beat muhammad ali but there comes a time when
national voter protection action fund and susan del percio, msnbc political analyst who is herself a veteran political strategist. well, good evening and welcome to you both. don, i got a tough one to start with here. there were several no votes on the part of the democrats, so names like presley, talib, omar, aoc, i don t know if you ve been to aoc s district, the infrastructure there isn t perfect. not everything gleams. how is she going to go back to new york and say, nah, we re good with infrastructure? i voted no? because the people trust her. the people in her district trust her and know her enough to understand why she did it and did it because she didn t feel like the human infrastructure piece was there sufficient that she would be that she would be confident in going back and get full throated support.
we are not just a speak as one person and nobody else needs to show up. we re in the best place ever today to be able to go forward. cute turn of phrase there but it s a euphemism saying vitality and diversity are among the reasons this party has been unable to get out of its own way. as one of our next guests points out that depends on how you define, of course, the best place ever when you hear the speaker. before tonight s vote the new york times editorial board argued that democrats better pass something asap and wrote this in part, democrats agree about far more than they disagree about, but it doesn t look like that way to voters after months and months of intraparty squabbling. time to focus on and pass policies with broad support. or risk getting run out of office. important night to have these next two guests. don callaway, democratic strategist, founder of the