Richard Linklater returns to his beloved rotoscoping animation format for “Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood." Inspired by his own childhood in Houston in the 1960s, this sweet nostalgia trip back to 1969 pairs a showy framing device about a kid astronaut with a slice-of-life look at suburbia on the edge of the Space Race. FOX film critic Caroline Siede reviews this Netflix charmer.
Richard Linklater returns to his beloved rotoscoping animation format for “Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood." Inspired by his own childhood in Houston in the 1960s, this sweet nostalgia trip back to 1969 pairs a showy framing device about a kid astronaut with a slice-of-life look at suburbia on the edge of the Space Race. FOX film critic Caroline Siede reviews this Netflix charmer.
“Studio 666”, the new horror-comedy starring the iconic ‘90s alt-rock band Foo Fighters, might not be Good Cinema, but it's easy to forgive the film its trespasses because, well, everyone's having so much dang fun. Film critic Clint Worthington reviews the latest from Dave Grohl and company.
“Studio 666”, the new horror-comedy starring the iconic ‘90s alt-rock band Foo Fighters, might not be Good Cinema, but it's easy to forgive the film its trespasses because, well, everyone's having so much dang fun. Film critic Clint Worthington reviews the latest from Dave Grohl and company.
“Studio 666”, the new horror-comedy starring the iconic ‘90s alt-rock band Foo Fighters, might not be Good Cinema, but it's easy to forgive the film its trespasses because, well, everyone's having so much dang fun. Film critic Clint Worthington reviews the latest from Dave Grohl and company.