JFL also announced the appointment of Suman Hegde as its executive vice president and chief financial officer on Tuesday. Hedge will be moving from Hindustan Unilever in her role as vice president of finance - beauty, wellbeing and personal care, South Asia. Hedge s appointment is effective from March 1, 2024
Consumers jittery after data breach at Domino’s Pizza
The data breach involves as many as 180 million users of the 1,314 Domino’s Pizza restaurants operated by Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd. The leaked information includes details of over 1 million credit cards, mobile numbers and GPS locations and have been made available on the dark web.
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JFL admitted to the data breach on Sunday and claimed in a statement that the financial information of customers is safe.
Thousands of jittery consumers took to social media to demand transparency and accountability from Domino’s Pizza following a data breach at India’s largest quick service chain, even as cybersecurity researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia told ET he had red-flagged a government agency about the information leak in March.
Cybersecurity experts may drag India’s cybersecurity watchdog CERT-In to court for not taking actions against companies such as Air India, Domino’s, BigBasket and MobiKwik that have seen data breaches of late.
The development comes on the back of increased data breaches and cyberattacks, especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic last year.
Mumbai:Cybersecurity activists may drag the country’s cybersecurity regulator to court for not taking action against companies that have seen data breaches and not providing clarity on steps being taken to protect customers.
Their grouse is that the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, or CERT-In, has not taken any action despite the country witnessing a number of data breaches, including at Air India,