Bihar Education Minister Chandra Shekhar has said that the domicile clause was removed because the Education Department was not getting enough quality teachers of mathematics and science, and also because the government wanted a healthy competition to get the best available teachers for the students of Bihar.
The Jharkhand Assembly on Friday passed two bills related to the domicile policy on reserving 100 per cent government jobs in third and fourth grade for the locals in the state, and increasing Other Backward Classes (OBC) reservation from 14 to 27 per cent.
The Jharkhand Assembly on Friday passed two bills related to the domicile policy on reserving 100 per cent government jobs in third and fourth grade for the locals in the state, and increasing Other Backward Classes (OBC) reservation from 14 to 27 per cent.
Various tribal organizations, on Monday, staged a protest outside the Jharkhand Assembly in Ranchi demanding the immediate declaration of the state s domicile policy.