Steel plate prices were stable in Northern Europe and slightly lower in Italy in the week to Wednesday May 11 amid muted trading, but sentiment was cautiously positive, sources have told Fastmarkets.
Hot-rolled coil prices inched further downward in northern Europe on Friday April 22 on lower offers and consumption woes, but remained stable in Italy, sources have told Fastmarkets.
you got leaders poll numbers that are suffering as a result. in some respects they don t have the power to change it. these are global trends that are impacting on domestic prices. trends that are impacting on domestic prices. that s right. not onl is domestic prices. that s right. not only is their domestic prices. that s right. not only is their ability domestic prices. that s right. not only is their ability to domestic prices. that s right. not only is their ability to impact - domestic prices. that s right. not only is their ability to impact that | only is their ability to impact that globally but even on the ground the fact that congress is stuck, that would be held by democrats and biden is a going to this election cycle. that s why he had the big fight at the end of the year and you will continue to see the argument for policies and proposals into the new year on the senate floor and for exactly this reason. do year on the senate floor and for exactly this reason. year
The gap between domestic hot-rolled coil prices in Northern Europe and Italy shrank on Wednesday February 9, with prices continuing to rise in the south, sources told Fastmarkets.