let s cut taxes on the middle class and simplify those brackets. donald trump s running for his issues. haley s running on the donors issues. i am running on your issues. ron doesn t defeat biden. trump is head-to-head with biden. monday matters. your voice matters. i trust you. i think there are two america first candidates, donald trump and myself. donald trump was president for four years. he did not make a dent in the administrative state. i know why you re excited. no more commercials for four days. haley referring to the multi-million dollar onslaught of ads greeting iowans. she made a joke. desantis has become a joke. don t believe a thing nikki haley says. ron desantis, losing and lying. haley even opposed trump s wall. haley disparages the caucuses and insults you. the intense wrangling reflects a bet about this republican electorate. the bet is that supporters of former president trump are decided. but any anti-trump vote is more up for gr
soon be over but maybe not entirely. the judge says they haven t met the burden of showing why parts of the affidavit should not be disclosed. one republican congressman says he is not holding his breathe. it will be the most redacted thing in american history. we won t get answers until the republicans take the house back. we have the ability to ask the justice department the tough questions. good morning to you both. we re closely looking at the docket now in the southern district of florida. we know this affidavit is imminent and could happen at any time. noon is the deadline unless there is a last-minute appeal. we know we ll see the affidavit at some point over the next few hours. don t expect it to be the affidavit we want to see that has detail why the feds went into the home of the u.s. president. this affidavit would have that detail in theory but the version we ll see includes department of justice redactions. the judge wrote yesterday in his order i find the go
he s the president now and somebody might want to whisper in his ear before he goes out publicly again. president harrison died took a virtual tour of a vaccination center. sean: may be a moment of honesty and after all kamala harris, taken all the solo calls with world leaders, and holding weekly meetings with the secretary of state. maybe this possibly could be the harris administration after all, we will let you decide. president-elect harris took hers for the same reason. harris-biden administration s going to launch that. speak about the biden-harris administration. sean: keep saying it, when will we believe it? whoever s in charge of the harris-biden administration might want to put the brakes on the so-called biden blitz that we ve been hearing about. because the short, daily public events of his that are getting difficulty even watch entering the big interview with former clinton hacked democratic operative abc news host george stephanopoulos, biden, yes
someone want to remind joe that he s the president now and somebody might want to whisper in his ear before he goes out publicly again. president harris and i took a virtual tour of a vaccination center. sean: may be a moment of honesty and after all kamala harris, taken all the solo calls with world leaders, and holding weekly meetings with the secretary of state. maybe this possibly could be the harris administration after all, we will let you decide. president-elect harris took hers for the same reason. harris-biden administration s going to launch that. the biden-harris administration. sean: keep saying it, when will we believe it? whoever s in charge of the harris-biden administration might want to put the brakes on the so-called biden blitz that we ve been hearing about. because the short, daily public events of his that are getting difficult to even watch entering the big interview with former clinton hacked democratic operative abc news host george stephan
Opponents of President Bush's pilot initiative to fund innovativemarriage-promotion programs have proposed an alternative strategytermed "marriage plus."