Veterans Corner: Middletown s Norm Way part of force that liberated Paris
Ron Organek
A RPC Legion Baseball catcher chases down a wild pitch in the bottom of the seventh inning, allowing a Middletown Post 75 center fielder to score the tying run in the 2017 American Legion’s Norm Way Memorial Classic Baseball consolation game.Hearst Connecticut Media file photo.Show MoreShow Less
Ron Organek is the founder, and a board member, of the Greater Middletown Military Museum.Hearst Connecticut Media file photoShow MoreShow Less
MIDDLETOWN The Norm Way Memorial Classic Baseball Game will be played July 3 at 11 a.m. on Palmer Field, Bernie O’Rourke Drive, in Middletown during which the city’s American Legion 75 will face off against the South Windsor American Legion team.