The Rugby City Council learned the City of Rugby would receive nearly $400,000 from a state oil and gas revenue distribution program at its regular bi-monthly m
Council hears upgrades for city
By Sue Sitter - | Mar 6, 2021
A few improvements for spring are in the works for downtown Rugby streets and city council chambers.
At the city council’s regular meeting, held at the Rugby Armory on March 1, members heard from Laurie Odden, executive director of the Rugby Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Burea, who requested permission to hang flower planters downtown.
Odden said the planters weighed “between 75 and 150 pounds.”
“These would be on city light poles on Main Avenue and Second and Third Street,” Odden said, adding she had contacted local sources for brackets to hang the baskets. Odden said the flowers would be funded by grant monies.