Viral news: Faced with the unexpected turn of events, Kazma chose to share the wealth with all the contest participants. He sent them encrypted instructions via email, detailing the location and time of the money drop. True to his word, he showed up at the designated spot with a helicopter in tow., Viral News, Times Now
The U.S. dollar ended nearly flat in late trading on Tuesday, despite better-than-expected retail sales and industrial production figures for Septembe...
The earnings from Kenya sisal exports declined by 11 percent in the first half of this year as the East African nation exported lower volumes of sisal...
Vivek Ramaswamy on Thursday, cited India, Israel, Brazil and Chile as countries he wants to build trade relations with in order to cut financial ties with China. He counted upon India, along with Israel, to remove the “pharmaceutical dependence” on China and further involve India along with Brazil and Chile in obtaining rare earth mineral imports like lithium, which is needed for semiconductors., World News, Times Now