death penalty, there is an automatic appeal. tens of thousands of new york commuters are facing a travel nightmare after a train derailed and crashed into another train over the weekend. 70 people were hurt. some of them are still in the hospital. without train service, the governor warned roads will become parking lots. and an emotional good-bye for soccer superstar david beckham. he finished his career yesterday with the french team psg. after 22 years beckham said he wanted to retire on top. and that he, did becoming the first english player to win championships in four different countries, including with the l.a. galaxy. yahoo! s billion dollar debt. kay kayla, they bought tumbler for more than a billion bucks. that s right.
of 8, politico is reporting that there are several unresolved issues and the house may vote on individual pieces, so slicing it up individual pieces of that legislation instead of the larger reform package. do you think that s going to be a better way to get something done. i think that the leadership would have to make the best calculation about what helps get this through. there may be a few issues here and there that you can break off and vote on alone, but most of it has got to stay together. the house foundation is expected to release a report about how much immigration reform will actually cost and former senator jim demint who actually heads the foundation says the costs are far larger than anyone imagines and would be inkreeszed substantially under amnesty. in a time of trillion dollar
president was maybe taking a new path, one of balance he is been talking about the past five years works he want tax increases and spending cuts. he has provided no he details to spending cuts and now he wants quote, entitlement reform. what is he calling for? calling for a reduction in the cost of living increases for social security, and on medicare, the single biggest federal expenditure, the number one thing that the feds spend money on, the main reason we have the multi-trillion dollar debt. he wants it curtail benefits to rich people. that s it, that s the reform. and more of the same. now, 1% of the population shoulders more of the burden. clayton: that s why many governors across the country are having to sort of take things on their own, and deal with it themselves. governor sam brownback from kansas, look, we re not going to rely on the federal government to get us out of the the problems. it comes down to the state. washington is broke, big spending programs are running
campaign, seemed to have a different attitude about balancing the budget. number 43, added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome so we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man, woman and child. that s irresponsible, it s unpatriotic. mike: you know, congressman, i get the impression that he felt it was unpatriotic with a 9 trillion dollars debt, but a 17 trillion dollar debt suddenly moves us back to patriotism. i m confused at what point between 9 and 17 trillion of money that we owe did we get to be patriotic again? how do we deal with a mindset that completely changes the rules of the game? i don t know. that s the challenge as republicans, saying we have areas of common ground and should be be spending and balancing our budget and back within our means and the
in limited government constitutional principles and a free enterprise system and that should be us. there are jobs not being created in this country because we have a 16 and a half trillion dollar debt and it s only scheduled to get bigger. the constitution must be our guide for be conservatives to win nationally we must stand for something. we must stand on principles. we must stand for something so powerful and so popular that it brings together people from the west. the gop is old and gone stale and moss covered. i don t think we need to name many names do we? our party is incumbered by an inconsistent of freedom. the new gop will need to embrace liberty in the economic and personal speer. we have to fight this.