By Lambert Strether of Corremte.
Everybody know what mud is, right? Here’s a picture[1] of mud in season from the Bangor Daily News:
The reporter writes:
Mud season in Maine, sometimes called the state’s “fifth season,” generally occurs between March and late April or early May. It happens when the snow and ice start melting. All that extra water leads to a lot of mud…. The mud is deep, the texture often seems more like
Jello than hardpan and the damage it can do to your car or your peace of mind is real.
Sadly, I see I have given way to my tendency to be too optimistic about the approach of Spring I learned to hard way never to plant before Memorial Day when two days of snowish rain rotted all the seeds I’d planted two weeks early because Mud Season begins in towards the end of March, not the beginning. In fact, it’s still winter, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.