AnD welcome to hannity. AnD a busy news night tonight. G the Gulf Coast of FloriDa BracinulloriDa Bg for yet anothe hurricane. Now a cat five barreling again towarDs the Tampa Area anD the West Coast of floriDa governor Ron Desantis. He will join us more. UnD on the important Hurricane Prep that is now unDerway. UnliD joe actually owe stage 30,000 Utilityy Vehi vehicles anD Water AnD FooDcl KaD MeDicine anD meD anD suppli somethiNg That kamalcan learn f. AnD Tonighma Joe Ct Governor Des will responD to Kamala Harris Politicizin g this hurricane. Also, our very own Sara Carter. Sha cartere is in the toughest h hit in North Carolina with Hurricane Helene struggling to recover in North Carolina 11 Days after. Those were going to check in with those victims. They Do have a message for kamala anD joe. Thats straight aheaD tonight. AnD also tonightt, 97 hostages, incluDing four americans, remain somewhere in gaza. One year after the October Terrorist attack on israel, its now a four front Wa
it s not my job to sit here and debate the candidate. we re going to ask him aboutmatt the issues of the day thater tog actually matter to the people that came out here tonight ie rn the rain and thunder and lightning, the voters and they will also have their questions as well. f nothing is off the table. and as o if now, trump is nothe only beating his republican rivals, but he s also beating president biden. real clear politics, averagra . trump is uto hp inea a head to d match up there in the mostrd recent harvard harris poll has him up by seven points overst joe biden. the vast majority of americans , includin mg hademocrats, they re not happy with joe biden. i don t think manyen, to the americans are happy with joe biden, to say the least. and based on recent polls,and b voters believe that biden is corrupt, incompetent, creepy ol mentalld, mentally, physical cognitively unfit to serve. by the way, today was no exception at the air force academy. biden could not rememb
will respond. also tonight , wetake begin with the left s weekend of rage and despair at lying and fundraising emails. even roe v. wade is no more . democrats havee descended into a state of full blown lying to steria yet again. now keep in mind this decision did not outlaw abortion in america. instead, they decided who willca decide they d return the issue to the states to decide your elected officials. so ultimately the american people will decide allowing voters to debate, decide the rules and regulations surroundingggu abortion in their respective states. but democrats are notti interested in an honest debate. so over the weekend they took to the streets. some proudly displayed veryd graphic, vulgar signs likevu this one here calling justice amy coni barrett. well, i can t even say it. another sign telling the justices to burn in . others evoking coathangersg displayed cartoon and statedli that god was killing one common theme at all demonstrations in america th
a preemptive measure, they decided to argue the negative that electing republicans in the future wouldu be akin totu electing terrorists who would seek to blow up our entire system. this is just an extraordinarily dangerous course for republicans to be taking in terms of our democracy. republican party can no longer say that they don tst agree with the insurrectionists, with the bigots, with racists. there may now be people aligned with white supremacists who are in congress. how do youou protect the country from them? it could be that we havean a republican majority in congress this fall and iff that happens, you may see republicans in congress wanting cut the money tot the department of justice to turn the lights. we may lose our democracy. ge the attorney general issued ominous warnings. the top domestic violence extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white rac
it even affected i the impeachment because impeachment oks nompchment . nd one or two . if they read the laptopuld no and they had the laptop, should not have proceeded becausepr tht was right and it should not bu a lot of people said that, butt it is a dual system of ofal government is a dual system ofya you talk about law and order.eri you can t have law and order ini a country where you have such corruption and the corruptio ann is and they fight so hard notey to give the papers with me. they make up papers. they fight so hard, not to give a document. docus documentocumen be ? and it s very dangerous. think i think it s a third point, but it s very dangerous for our country. or komarongv said terouo mes on radio today, he has the document sean:s said on tv . night, by the way, he s doing h a great job. and jim jordan are doing, th they re doing a fantastic job. letey me ask you one questioi i asked you this questione before, and it comes up a lot. people e know that i vee