or liberal. you can look at this as this is a candidate who can reach out to independents and reach out to those moderates who will be helping the gop candidate come 2012, or come this election b or you can say he s liberal. if you talk about ending wars and legalizing pot. we ll don t see the numbers come in. i see one huge screaming story tonight, republicans just don t want to vote for mitt romney. like you re trying to give a dog a pill that keeps spitting it up. they ll eat the pill because romney will eventually be the nominee. he may but it will be 25%. something he had four years ago. he has a weaker field. they don t want to vote for him. two number i m looking at. you need 2,286 delegates to win the gop nomenation. you are not going to bin it tonight. it doesn t matter. it s simply one state.